Fertility Counseling

Predicting Ovulation

Basal Body Temperature Charting. We work with patients to help them better understand the tools available for predicting ovulation. The goal of the Basal Body Temperature Chartis to help you determine ovulation so you can plan intercourse on the days during your cycle when you are most fertile. Taking your waking body temperature can provide important information if you are trying to conceive. For additional information about self-examination, please consult your physician. It is recommended all indicators are charted to have the most efficient reading of fertility.


Conceiving a baby is complex and miraculous process that many take for granted. Several factors, including age, lifestyle or medical problems can cause infertility and may be found in one or both partners.

Infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected sexual relations. For a woman over 35 years of age, infertility should be investigated after attempting to achieve a pregnancy for six months.

Our physicians are available to evaluate and treat infertility. However, referrals are made for other types of treatment such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). For the convenience of patients in the South Georgia region, Dr. Kevin L. Winslow of the Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine routinely sees patients at our Valdosta office location. Appointments may be scheduled by contacting their office at (800) 556-5620.

Fertility Evaluation and Treatment


A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an x-ray used to detect a blockage in the fallopian tubes or other uterine problems. An HSG is performed by injecting dye through the cervix while taking x-rays to evaluate the flow of the dye through the uterus and tubes.


A hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows your physician to look inside your uterus to help diagnose or treat a uterine problem. A thin, telescope-like instrument (called a hysteroscope) is inserted into the uterus through the vagina and cervix. A hysteroscopy is usually performed just after menstruation to obtain the clearest view of the uterine cavity.


Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure performed under anesthesia that enables your physician to see if any scar tissue or abnormal growths appear on the outer surfaces of your reproductive organs.

Drug Therapy

If tests reveal you are not ovulating normally, your doctor may recommend drug therapy to help stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs. The type and dosage of therapy prescribed will depend on your age, health and past medical history.


Infertility can be an emotional and frustrating experience, and it is important for couples to remain hopeful and to be supportive of each other. Talking with your doctor or a therapist and attending support groups may help ease the stress of dealing with infertility.

To learn more about infertility, please visit the American Society of Reproductive Medicine.

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